Ponce Facts
En Español Ponce is the second city of the island of Puerto Rico. Its metroplex area comprises a group of 14 Southern municipalities also known as Porta Caribe, which translates to Doorway to the Caribbean. One day isn’t enough to explore all the beauties this gem of a city has to offer. The pleasures of Ponce extend beyond the historic district and include some of Puerto Rico's most engaging attractions. Here you can learn more interesting
Ponce facts
and discover why it is such a special destination... Museums: Parks and Monuments: Tourist Attractions: Characters, Traditions and Events: Other Points of Interest:  General Information: - Official
: Autonomous Municipality of Ponce (pōn´sā)
- Location:
Puerto Rico
’s Southern Coastal Plain
- Area: 300 sq km
- Population: 186,475 (2000 Census)
- Climate: Tropical, warm and dry with an annual average temperature of 29 degrees (Celsius) and 697 mm rainfall
- Patron:
Our Lady of Guadalupe
(December 12)
- Known as: Pearl of the South, Noble City, City of the Genips
- Ponce Tourism Information Center: 787-841-8044

Official Symbols: - Flower – Oak tree flower, "Flor de Roble"
- Tree – Silk cotton tree, "Ceiba"
- Fruit – Genip, "Quenepa"
- Bird – Gray kingbird, "Pitirre" & Puerto Rican spindalis, "Reina Mora"
- Candy – Coconut crème candy, "Cremita de Coco"
- Drink – Sugar cane juice, "Güarapo de Caña"
- Gem – Pearl
- Animal – Lion
- Traditional dish – Crabmeat stew with dumplings, "Salmorejo de Jueyes con Domplines"
Ponce Mayors (1941-2012): - 1941-1956 – Andrés Grillasca Salas (PPD)
- 1956-1960 – Carlos Juan Cintrón (PPD)
- 1960-1964 – Juan Luis Boscio (PPD)
- 1964-1968 – Eduardo Ruberté Bisó (PPD)
- 1968-1972 – Juan H. Cintrón (PNP)
- 1972-1976 – Luis A. Morales (PPD)
- 1976-1980 – Joselyn Tormos Vega (PNP)
- 1984-1984 – José Dapena Thompson (PNP)
- 1987-1988 – Iván Ayala Cádiz (PNP)
- 1988-2004 – Rafael Cordero Santiago - "El León Mayor" (PPD)
- 2004-2004 – Delis Castillo de Santiago (PPD)
- 2004-2008 – Francisco Zayas Seijo (PPD)
- 2008-2012 – María E. Meléndez Altieri (PNP)
Common plants: - Coconut palm, "Palma de coco"
- Adonidia palm, "Palma adonidia"
- Dwarf date palm, "Palma dátil enana"
- Bougainvillea, "Trinitaria"
- Bauhinia tree, "Árbol de orquídea"
- Carnation, "Clavelina"
- Pascua flower, "Flor de Pascua"
- Hibiscus, "Amapola"
- Ixora, "Cruz de Marta"
- Plumbago capensis, "Isabel Segunda"
- Vinca rosea, "Playera"
- Orange jasmine, "Café de India"
- Nerium oleander, "Alelí"
- Beach grape flower, "Uva playera"
- Bucida buceras, "Húcar"
- Royal palm, "Palma Real"
- Allamanda cathartica, "Canarias"
- Areca palm tree, "Palma areca"