Travel Ponce Map
Here is a satellite view of our Google Ponce Map. With a population of approximately 200,000 inhabitants (450,000 in its broader metroplex), Ponce is located in the Southern Coastal Plains of the Caribbean island of Puerto Rico. It has a total of 31 wards, including its historic downtown quarter known as Ponce Pueblo or Ponce Centro. Ponce's municipal territory reaches Puerto Rico's Cordillera Central (central mountain range) to the North and the Caribbean Sea to the South. Mount La Puntita (Anón ward), the highest elevation in the island at 1338 meters (4390 feet) is also located in Ponce.   Zoom into our map and explore! Use the navigation keys at the upper left corner or view Ponce Map in a larger scale, and check the user friendly icons conveniently indicating the exact locations of all the attractions mentioned in your TravelPonce guide (opens in a new window). Also check our collection of beautiful Ponce photos.